
Install CartAGen4Py package for QGIS#

Debian based distributions#

Depending on your linux distribution, the installation of CartAGen4Py system-wide can be different. Please keep in mind that installing system-wide pip packages using this solution will conflict with the apt packages of your system. Continue at your own risks.

One way to install the CartAGen4Py Python package for QGIS is to use this command outside of a python environment:

$ pip install cartagen4py

If you are running Debian 12 or above, you might get an error from the system because you are trying to install the package outside of a virtual environment. You can bypass this error by using the --break-system-package flag:

$ pip install --break-system-package cartagen4py


To install a Python package for QGIS in Windows (from this blog post):

  1. Open OSGeo4W shell, it should be available in your start menu

  2. Type py3_env in the console (This should print paths of your QGIS Python installation)

  3. Use pip to install CartAGen4Py:

    python -m pip install cartagen4py

Install CartAGen4QGIS#

Now that CartAGen4Py is installed and available for QGIS, you can install the QGIS plugin simply by copying the folder cartagen4qgis from the GitHub repository and paste it inside:

  • On linux (QGIS 3.32):

  • On Windows (QGIS 3.28):


Now, inside QGIS, open the Plugins –> Manage and Install Plugins menu item. Activate the CartAGen4QGIS plugin. That’s it! A new toolbox containing CartAGen4Py algorithms should appear inside your Processing Toolbox.